Last update: Juli 22nd 2017

Dsk2Pc - Copy disk image to and from PC

Download Dsk2Pc version 2.1 now
ti dsk image as zipped disk-image (ZIP)
Dsk2Pc is the TI99/4A or Geneve version with HDX modified RS232 card.
UgDsk2Pc is the UBERGrom version of Dsk2Pc.
NpDsk2Pc is the nanoPeb version of Dsk2Pc but can also be used on a TI99/4A or Geneve with standard RS232 card.
Cf7Dsk2Pc is the CF7A+ version of Dsk2Pc.

Dsk2Pc is a program for the TI99/4a and UberGrom module or or TI99/4a and nanoPeb device or TI99/4a or Geneve home computer equiped with an HDX- interface. Dsk2pc makes it possible to copy entire floppy-disk images to a PC and to create a floppy-disk from an image stored on a PC.

Dsk2Pc from version 2.1 is aware that a nanoPeb or CF7a+ device is attached to the TI99/4a computer. Another volume can be mounted to be used for DSK1, DSK2 or DSK3 and when formatted a fixed number of 1600 sectors is used. When uploading or downloading disk images the volume number for the DSK device used is incremented automatically. Note that it is NOT necessary to first format and initalize a volume before downloading a disk image from your PC. The disk image already contains the volume information at sector 0. Also note that when downloading disk images smaller then 1600 sectors the volume in use will inherrent this disk size (and format). Using TI99Dir for transferring disk images to and from your nanoPeb or CF7a+ compact flash card is a better option. It is up to you.
If Dsk2pc is used with a Myarc 9640 home computer a rompage is executed automatically when Dsk2Pc is started.

Dsk2Pc main menu
An impression of Dsk2Pc main menu.

With Dsk2Pc it is possible to:
  • Format a floppy disk
  • Format a nanoPeb or Cf7a+ disk volume
  • Copy a floppy disk as an image over the HDX interface to a PC
  • Copy a disk image over the HDX interface from a PC to a floppy disk
  • Mount a volume for a disk when using a nanoPeb or Cf7a+ device

Dsk2Pc is written in an optimized form of Clint Pulley's 'C' and assembly.
Version 1.1 to 1.3 of Dsk2Pc was completely build and tested on a PC with Windows-XP, my own written TI99 emulator for windows (TI994w), a 32bits console version of Clint Pulley's 'C' compiler, 32bits console versions of my own optimizers (C99o and C99x), the ASM990 cross assembler for the TI 990 computer written by DGP and my own written linker (L99). The final test was done on the real thing.

Version 2.0 and newer of Dsk2Pc was completely build and tested on a PC with Windows 10, my own written TI99 emulator for windows (TI994w), a 32bits console version of Clint Pulley's 'C' compiler, 32bits console versions of my own optimizers (C99o, C99x, C99f, C99m), my own written XA99 cross assembler, and my own written linker (L99). The final test was done on the real thing.

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